Market Study & Launch Plan

First and foremost, we will provide a full market study and a launch plan for your different products. This will include an analysis of the market size, current competition present on the different marketplaces and countries in which we will be selling your product, Data such as average and entry prices, shipping costs, expected sales, marketing costs and techniques that will be essential to ensure a successful enterprise.

Product Listings Optimization & Marketing Strategy

We will design the different products listings. We will also manage other essential e-commerce services such as customer service, international shipping, inventory control, the marketing, and everything else needed to sell your products. Products will be posted on different marketplaces and different countries. You won’t need to open subsidiary companies on all the different countries in which we’ll be selling.

Monthly Reports

We will provide you with monthly reports on sales, profits, return on investment, marketing, inventory and reviews. Everything you need to keep track of your product and brand development will be at your service so that you can maintain a close control of your business. On SellerBro we aim to be your partner, your brother even, on the viciously competitive worldwide e-commerce platforms.